Monday, January 10, 2005


"Quote...Unquote" vs. "Quote...Endquote"--Which one is correct?
Aha! After gloriously surfing the internet I uncovered this wonderful website, which has the answer to this and other questions of import:

(One of) the stupidest thing(s) I did last week:
It took me three days to figure out that my shower was working again. (I realize that the intelligent thing to do when a plumber comes is to assume that he fixed whatever he was supposed to fix, but for some reason I didn't believe that he'd actually fixed it--hence the appearance on my stupid list.)

I watched two movies this weekend: Ocean's 12 and Spanglish.
  • The beginning and middle of Ocean's 12 was disappointing, although I liked the twist at the end. I also like the Julia Roberts bit.
  • Spanglish was pretty good except for the sex scene. I hate sex scenes and this is a bad one. I wish I understood Spanish.

For those of you who are interested, Social Stephanie has made another guest appearance. Two new friends as of this weekend! I think it helps that I have a car and they don't--it means they have to be nice to me if they want a ride home.

My new friends (fellow graduate students, although they are in Computer Science, not math) suggested this website:

I will finish that earlier blog eventually, but first I have to think of things that make me happy. I think I'm usually happy for no reason at all...I just smile unconsciously and in return I get creepy winks and smirks from 55-year-old men.

I considered putting up a list of things that annoyed and irritated me, but I thought that might be dangerous.

That's all for now.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger Des Moines Now said...

I love hearing about the exploits of Social Stephanie! I also enjoyed the correct usage web site since I think split infinitives are often great fun. Lime Jelly Bean is funny and makes me happy.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a small stupidity for you, perpetrated by myself: Today I rode the bus home as usual. But I was more lost in thought than ususal, because I forgot to pull the cord signaling I wanted to get off. I awoke from my trance as the bus passed my stop. The only other stop nearby is at the Wal-Mart across the highway, otherwise I'd have to stay on for the whole round trip, which takes an hour. So I got off at Wal-Mart, acting like I meant to do that the whole time. Then I had to trek across two parking lots, down a short access road past a Honda dealership, across the four-land highway with no cross-walk, and up the hill to my apartment. As an added bonus, the tempertature was 14 F, -2 with wind chill.

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Steph said...

I love it! Especially since it reminds me of myself. I once got off a bus at what I thought was the right spot only to discover that I was over a mile away from where I lived instead of at the bus stop just down the street. I walked home.


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