Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Random Question

If you were stranded on a desert island with only...ok, ok, that line is way too clichéd to use, but still, if you only had two things to amuse yourself with for the next year, what would they be?

The Rules: Video games and video game player and TV can count as one, but TV is only for the purpose of viewing games, not for watching broadcast/satellite/cable stations, dvds, movies, etc. If you want the TV for other reasons, you have to include it separately.

I would like a long piece of hardy string and a squeegee.


At 8:13 PM, Blogger Des Moines Now said...

Why? I'm trying to imagine all the things you could use a squeegee for . . .

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Steph said...

I just like squeegeeing (and that's a real word--I checked with M-W). I have a squeegee in my shower to squeegee down the walls and I like doing it so much that sometimes I squeegee before I'm done showering so that the walls get wet again and I can squeegee them all over again. I also like squeegeeing the windows of my car. I like the squeegees on the long poles used for outdoor windows. I am always searching for the most efficient way to squeegee--that's what I enjoy most.


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